Flagship Communications is a leading Sydney NSW & Parramatta PR & Communications Firm offering practical solutions to enable our clients to enhance their reputation and achieve project objectives.


Our highly talented team has successfully delivered outcomes for corporate, government and community clients, across a range of sectors including local and state government, infrastructure, engineering, property and health.


Our quality communications solutions include stakeholder engagement, media management, community consultation, issues management, and tender preparation.



Work in harmony with the community

Whether planning or building a major piece of infrastructure, communities now expect to have a greater say in activities or decisions that have the potential to impact on their local area. Governments and large corporations have recognised this and now regard meaningful engagement and good community relations as a vital part of most projects. In many situations, it is a mandatory requirement for doing business.


Flagship Communications understands what is required to meet these expectations and has successfully managed community relations for clients in both the government and corporate sectors across a variety of industries. Applying insights we have gained through experience, our team can work closely with you throughout the project to proactively establish and maintain positive relationships with communities who are interested in or are impacted by your project.

Research and analysis of community opinion
Analysis of mandatory community consultation requirements
Development and implementation of community relations plans
Community relations training and audits

Community newsletters and notifications


Build effective relationships

The way your organisation or project interacts with external stakeholders can have a significant impact on your reputation, project outcomes and bottom line. Flagship Communications’ proven approach helps your organisation manage its relationships with key stakeholders such as regulators, interest groups and customers. We aim to engage stakeholders through five key steps: Identify Key Stakeholders, Take time to understand each stakeholder and the issues that concern them, Establish the most appropriate level of engagement for each stakeholder or stakeholder group, Select techniques that will help establish effective two-way communication between your organisation and each stakeholder and Incorporate the values, needs and desires of each stakeholder into your decision making process.

Analysis of stakeholder behaviours and opinions
Development and implementation of stakeholder engagement plans
Production of communication material, such as newsletters, brochures and websites
Strategic communication advice
Policy development
Communication audits




Connect with your community

Meaningful consultation provides an opportunity to develop two-way relationships between an organisation, government and communities. A consultation processes may run parallel with an information campaign or community relations activities. Often, after the public has been informed about an issue or project, it may be useful to use more consultative mechanisms in order to obtain feedback or build relationships. To assist organisations in this process Flagship provides a variety of consultation services and techniques. These include:

Development and implementation of community consultation plans

Workshop facilitation
Community forums
Event management
Drop in centres
Online tools and surveys


Manage the impact

A major incident or crisis can significantly impact on your organisation’s reputation or project activities. To reduce potential impacts, it is important to identify issues early and develop plans to manage them. Flagship works with you to proactively identify and manage operational and community issues that impact on your organisation or delay your project.


We achieve this through our five step approach:

1) Identify the issue, environment and stakeholders,

2) conduct analysis and set priorities,

3) establish a position,

4) prepare and implement an issues management plan/response, and

5) monitor and evaluate the issue. 

Development and delivery of issues management plans
Production of communications material such letters, media releases and information brochures
Analysis of internal communications processes and procedures
Strategic communication advice




Communicate your competitive edge

Writing a winning tender can be difficult and demanding. Portraying the expertise and experience of your company’s achievements as well as the capabilities of your technical experts requires the skills of an experienced communicator.


Our communications specialists help your bid team to clearly communicate your company’s capabilities, your understanding of the tender requirements and your company’s approach to delivering the work.

Analysis of tender documents
Facilitation of workshops
Writing and/or editing of tender submissions
Advice on how to respond to the tender questions
Editing CV’s


Understand your community

Social Impact Assessments is a process for the identification, analysis, management and monitoring of the social impacts of a project, both positive and negative. The social impacts of a project are the direct and indirect impacts that affect people and their communities at all stages of the project lifecycle.


Meaningful social impact assessment and engagement with the community and stakeholders can significantly reduce the risks, costs and delays in project delivery and enhance an organisation’s reputation.


Our experienced team works closely with project teams to identify, analyse and manage potential social impacts associated with a project to avoid/or mitigate impacts and risks.


Our approach is consistent with all NSW and local government guidelines and combines meaningful community engagement with detailed research to help our clients and relevant consent authorities make informed decisions.


Our reports are tailored to the individual needs of our clients, but typically include the following level of information and analysis:


  • Description of the proposal
  • Community profile including baseline demographic data
  • Audit and mapping of social infrastructure
  • Description of the community affected by the proposal
  • Community engagement methodology and findings
  • A description and analysis of potential impacts
  • Suggested management, mitigation and/or enhancement

Social Impact Assessment
Social impact and benefit analysis
Community profiling and consultation
Social Impact Management Plans